Movement Disorders and a Look at the Behind-the-Scenes - PMD Alliance

So much happens behind the scenes, doesn’t it?

Whether you are a person with a movement disorder navigating every day, a care partner attending to the needs of your loved one, or PMD Alliance preparing to host the next workshop for you – a great deal happens behind the scenes.

Behind the scenes for the person with a movement disorder:

For people with movement disorders, behind the scenes begins with waking in the morning, waiting for your medication to kick in, and turning OFF to ON time again. It is planning when and what to eat at meals so you get the most out of your medication. It is getting ready to exercise, knowing that exercise promises an infusion of dopamine and keeps you going strong. Then you show up and it’s “Go time”!

Behind the scenes for a care partner:

It is not just the person with the movement disorder. Behind the scenes, the spouse or care partner stays on alert, ensures medications are taken, plans, coordinates, acts as a spotter always on the lookout for safety concerns as you prepare to leave the house and go to your support group, family gathering, or physician appointment. Then you show up and it’s “Go time”!

Behind the scenes at PMD Alliance:

For PMD Alliance it is scouting locations for our many workshops across the country. It is developing new curriculum and agendas, then securing speakers and exercise leaders. We push ourselves to create a space and room setup that makes it easier for the “magic” to happen. We recruit speakers who revive and revitalize you. We want to energize the room by providing time for movement and personal engagement. Behind the scenes, we create the conditions that ensure sparks of connectivity. We plan and work to assure that you will experience the stretch and confidence that comes with learning something new. Then you show up and it’s “Go Time”!

Behind the scenes collectively:

PMD Alliance exists to make all you do behind the scenes easier. We hear the complexities you live with every day. Your life behind the scenes requires translating the information you learn at events like ours into actions that impact your daily life. That’s where we are different. We engage with you by stepping behind the scenes to help translate information into living well today.

Thank you for sharing your voices and inviting us into your “behind-the-scene” stories. We welcome them at any time, from any one. Reach out. We are here. We are enriched by sharing this journey with you and inspired by the community we collectively create. It’s “Go time”!

Sarah Jones Headshot
Sarah Jones Signature

Sarah Jones, MPA, MS Strategic Design
CEO, PMD Alliance


One Comment

  • Your newsletter is wonderful! I’m still using the Caregiver Ideas you gave me in my Caregiver Support Group for Parkinson’s. Thanks for SO much helpful information!! You are appreciated!

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