Congratulations to the Continuum - PMD Alliance

A New Certified Parkinson Disease Care (CPDC)™ Accredited Service in Reno, Nevada

The Continuum in Reno, Nevada is a multi-generational service providing rehabilitation therapies and wellness programs to people of all ages. In addition to offering speech, physical, and occupational therapies for adults and children, the service also operates ReGenerations Adult Day Club and Carousel Kids, a preschool daycare program.

Diane Ross, the Continuum’s owner, already relied on several therapists on staff who were trained in Parkinson’s-specific therapies related to their areas of expertise. Wanting  a comprehensive approach to staff education for both clinical and non-clinical employees, Diane enlisted Anne Potts, an intern from the University of Nevada Reno to help. Anne contacted PMD Alliance.

Together, the Continuum and PMD Alliance worked to adapt the Certified Parkinson Disease Certification (CPDC) training and accreditation to include non-residential healthcare services. At the Continuum, staff dedicated to work in their ReGenerations Adult Day Club learned how the motor and non-motor symptoms of PD can affect people attending this daytime program. Everyone learned about the fluctuations that often occur with medications and the importance of diligent medications management. Therapists augmented their clinical expertise with a better understanding of how non-motor symptoms can affect their clients when they attend therapy sessions. Everyone in administrative positions focused on a basic understanding of PD as it can affect a person’s demeanor and ability to communicate.

Achieving CPDC accreditation is no small feat. A minimum of 80% of all staff members must attend two hours of training. The training concentrates on providing everyone who interacts with people with PD with more insight, understanding, and practical information about how to enhance the care they offer and optimize outcomes. The certification must be renewed annually, assuring that the certified facility always has a large percentage of staff knowledgeable about how PD affects therapies and daily care.

PMD Alliance proudly includes the Continuum as its newest CPDC certified service. It’s attention to providing optimum care and treatment for people with Parkinson’s means Reno now has a go-to resource that understands their needs and is connected with the resources PMD Alliance offers.

For more information about The Continuum in Reno, Nevada, please visit their website at

We’re always happy to talk about ways we can help people with Parkinson’s and movement disorders and those who care for them. If you live or work in a long-term care facility or with a care service and would like to know more about CPDC, please contact Judy Talley, Director, CPDC, at

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