One of our primary value statements at PMD Alliance asserts that people living with Parkinson’s are more than their disease. What does that mean to you? Could this statement apply to Care Partners, Adult Children, and others who are traversing the Parkinson’s journey, as well? We believe it does, and we want to help your group members embrace this truth — and then put pen to paper and document this truth!
Introducing the I AM!™ Poem Project for Support Groups
PMD Alliance has partnered with Alison Miller at Supernus Pharmaceuticals to create an engaging and powerful activity toolkit for support groups called the I AM!™ Poem Project, which provides your group members an opportunity to rediscover who they are and what makes them truly unique. The I AM!™ Poem toolkit serves as an easy-to-follow guide that sparks participants’ creativity and helps them to recall their most important aspects of “self”—where do I come from, what do I believe in, and who has been most influential my life?
A Soup to Nuts Toolkit
In the I AM!™ Poem booklet, participants complete an introspective pre-writing activity and a fill-in-the-blank template that results in a fully-composed I AM!™ Poem. Once your group members have completed their poems, they may share their “stories” with a partner, in small groups, or with the entire group, either verbally or in writing by sending out the collection of poems via email. Our hope is that this fun and creative writing exercise will serve as a source of inspiration and a powerful reminder for your group members that they are MUCH more than their diagnosis.
I’m Ready, Tell Me More!
If you’d like to learn more on how to deliver the toolkit, join us for one of our upcoming I AM!™ Poem Project training sessions for support group leaders on:
Monday, November 15, 9:00-10:30 AM PT
Monday, December 13, 9:00-10:30 AM PT
Registration information for these online trainings will be sent to our support group leader email list a couple of weeks prior to the training dates.
If you’d like to get started right away, click below to download the kit today.
Some Inspiring I AM!™ Poem Examples
I am from changing seasons
From the crunch of dry leaves under scuffling feet
to biting cold sleet on my cheeks on the way to school
From family gatherings along the coast to the sting of
mosquitos on a heavy summer night.
I am the capturer of memories
The click, click of my shutter and shy smiles
peeking around corners
The paparazzi of celebrations
and community happenings
I am the lone speck of dust
swirling in a cyclone at the doctor’s office
Left to pick up the pieces
Numb, with no compass or roadmap
I am stiff and sore muscles twisting and pushing
I am from determination and perseverance
From sweat and from tears
I am from the strength in my gut
knowing God’s got my back
I am from hope
From pink sunrises and orange sunsets
And fragrant petals that will bloom another year.
-Lauren Simmons
I AM from the cornfields of Indiana,
Ready to discover every other beating heart
I AM a friend to all: Red, Yellow, Black or White
From the North, South, East or West!
I AM a Brother to all,
Some I’ve met and some not yet!
I AM a “NGUer”
A never give upper
I AM a defender
Of those with no defense!
I AM a voice
For those without one!
I AM not saying goodbye
But will say SEE YOU LATER!
-Roger Jenkins
Let’s Hear Your Ideas and Poems!
We’ve heard from groups using the I AM!™ toolkit as a launching pad to get even more creative. One support group created a “We Are” poem that encompassed all group members. Another group used the template to write a tribute poem about a member who passed away. If you have great ideas, we want to hear them! If you have amazing poems, we want to read them! We are all ears – reach out to us by email at, or call us anytime at (800)256-0966. Let’s get creative together!
Thank you to our annual partner:

I loved your I am poem workshop. This is my poem.
I am more than what you see
I am still smart
I am still funny
I am still crazy
I am still me
I am more than what I can’t do
I am more than what I can do
I am sad because I see the sadness in you eyes. Eugenia Parker
Eugenia, wow, thank you for sharing from your heart. YOU are all of those things – and we’re grateful to get to witness you in your fullness!