Embracing the Mama Bear Spirit - PMD Alliance

Dear friends, 

As we celebrate Mother’s Day this month and express our gratitude for our mothers and all those who have been like mothers to us, I want to speak about the spirit of motherhood.  

At PMD Alliance, we are not all mothers, but, collectively, we carry the spirit of motherhood within us. We carry the spirit of a mother’s generosity: our team and each of you give of your time, your talents, your treasures. You are generous with your wisdom and generous in the ways you share the journey with others riding similar waves as community members or support group leaders.

We carry the spirit of a mother’s courage: together, we face uncertainty and we find the resilience within to adapt and to find joy in spite of a disease. We carry the spirit of compassion and care: we show up for you and for each other. And you do the same for those you love.  

There’s also a complexity to motherhood: mothers can be generous, patient nurturers AND they can be fierce mama bears, protective of those they love. We’re inspired by this duality: how can each of us be patient with our “new normal,” with our diagnosis or that of someone we love? How can we accept this part of our journey without denial AND be fierce when it’s time to fight? When we need to advocate for ourselves or our family member in a doctor’s office, when we’re on hold with the pharmacy, or when we’re facing legislators who won’t ban pesticides or fund research?  

Peace doesn’t have to be passive. Patience doesn’t mean giving up. Today and every day, let’s celebrate the moms who show up with sweetness and strength and who teach us to incorporate both into our spirit every day.  

Reflecting on many conversations I’ve had over phone, Zoom, and email, so many of you embody this energy every day. I see you and I celebrate you. Thank you for demonstrating what it means to love with care and courage and for inspiring us all to achieve the same. 

In fierce gratitude,

Andrea Merriam's signature

Andrea Merriam
Acting CEO, PMD Alliance

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