December is upon us, the winter solstice around the corner, and sunlight is scarce. This time of year, Mother Nature leaves us to find our own light. While yes, like the NeuroLife Online docs have been recommending, that means therapy lamps and vitamin D supplements, there is also the light of community and camaraderie. When we gather – at a holiday party, a family dinner, or a Zoom support group – we spark connections and warmth.
This winter, my family has already faced tough news and loss, and the calendar still shows many months ‘til spring. I turn towards the warmth of hope, to the smiles and open faces of the PMD Alliance community. Thank you for your light; it is my privilege and joy to be part of such a positive and supportive community, and I encourage those who could use a little more light to seek it out amongst us. We are here for each other!
Andrea Merriam