In Sync™ Support Group Workshop


April 19, 2023

9:00 a. m. – 10:00 a.m. CST Registration and exhibits

10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p. m. CST Program


The Multi-Assistance Center at Morgan’s Wonderland

5210 Thousand Oaks Dr, San Antonio, TX

Who’s it for

People with Parkinson’s, PSP,
Tardive Dyskinesia, MSA, Huntingtons, Essential Tremor, and Tourettes

In Sync™ Support Group Leaders Workshop

PMD Alliance recognizes the time, effort, and energy Support Group Leaders put into leading their groups. That’s why we developed the In Sync! Conference. Its purpose is to give leaders a time and place to talk candidly with physicians, other professionals, and other group leaders. Together we explore the issues and situations that leaders encounter, learn from each other, and go home with new insight into group leadership and management skills.

Register for In Sync® Support Group Leaders Workshop Series