We contain multitudes.
When you or a loved one is living with a movement disorder, it can feel like your world revolves around it. At PMD Alliance, we see you in your fullness: you are far more than a disease.
These I Am! poems, gathered from community members near and far, are an expression of this fullness: you contain all these parts—you are shaped by who and where and what you come from and by everything you have endured—and, still, you are whole.
Each poem in this gallery is a celebration of the writer’s unique story and spirit.
Want to add your own poem to the gallery? You don’t have to be a poet to participate! English speakers can watch the replay of our I Am! Creative Writing Workshop or download the toolkit and then submit your I Am! poem here.
Si habla español, consulte esta guía en vídeo o nuestro kit de herramientas en español, y envíe su poema aquí.