Recently Diagnosed?

Dear Fellow Human Being Hit with Hard News,

This is often the toughest time. There’s no getting around it, and we’re sorry you have to wrestle with this truth. No one asks for this. We know that. You’ll never forget the day you hear the diagnosis. As you move through the clouds, all those thoughts and feelings, remember to give yourself a little credit. Why? You are strong. You are resilient, and we will help you tap into that strength. For a second, just take the measure of your courage by considering, in a lifetime, all that you’ve already faced.

Plus, you’ve done something great today. You took a step. You clicked and found us. And we, at PMD Alliance, are here right now. And we’ll be here when you’re ready for an ally, ready for everything you can’t yet see on a new and unexpected journey. Buckle up. This might be hard to believe, but you don’t know what’s ahead, and that’s a positive thing.

Believe it or not, yours is a journey also shared by 40 million other people in this country. Maybe you’re surprised to hear that, as some surprises can be jarring. But who wants a universe without surprises, where you persist on autopilot and everything fulfills your boring old expectations? Get ready to disengage that autopilot and take the reins of your everyday.

Embracing Change

You’re coming at this fresh, from a place of assumptions. Our team will be here as a guide, learning and moving with you side by side. We’ll ride the waves with you—instead of just standing on the sidelines, coaching you how. We know, as you do, that you’re so much more than just a diagnosis. And we will remind you of that – each and every time we interact. So get ready to stand up. Get ready to reach out. Now get ready to surprise yourself. Get ready to get on with getting on living fully.

Here’s the most important thing we can say. It’s our most important lesson: No one with a movement disorder truly thrives by his- or her-self. Going forward, movement and connections will become like manna for harnessing your best life. Every day will be a team sport, and we can be part of your team in three ways: through in-person events, community-based support and on-line opportunities.

What Comes Next

You can always be close to PMD Alliance and its free (yes, FREE!) resources, no matter the distance. We look forward to meeting you. Below are a number of helpful resources to help you on your journey and we encourage you to join us at the next livestream. Our Ambassadors are also available to talk at any time; to connect with them, complete the brief form below or email us at

Yours Every Step,

The Staff & Volunteers of PMD Alliance

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